Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function
- Evaluate wall contractility (wall thickness, systolic wall thickening, systolic wall motion)
- B -"bump" or "notch" of mitral valve indicates increased LVEDP ≥15 mm Hg
- B "bump" or "notch" tricuspid valve indicates increased RVEDP ≥9 mm Hg
- Mitral valve E-point to septal separation > 20 mm indicates an ejection fraction of < 30%
- Premature closure of the mitral valve (when the C point of the mitral valve occurs on or before the onset of the QRS complex)
- Premature opening of the aortic valve (when the aortic valve opens on or before the onset of the QRS complex)
M-mode parameters
- Ventricular end-diastolic dimension : 37 to 56 mm
- Ventricular end-systolic dimension : 26 to 36 mm
- Left ventricular diastolic IVS thickness : 7 to 11 mm
- IVS excursion : 6 to 11 mm
- IVS % thickening : 27 to 70%
- Left ventricular posterior diastolic wall thickness : 7 to 11 mm
- LVPW excursion : 9 to 14 mm
- LVPW% thickening : 25 to 80%
- Percent fractional shortening : 28 to 41%
- Ejection fraction : 48 to 78%
- PEP/LVET :< 0.42
- Mean Vcf : 1.0 to 1.9 Vcf
- Stroke volume : 75 to 100 cc
- Cardiac output : 4 to 8 L/min
- Cardiac index : 2. 4 to 4. 2 L/min/m2
- Left ventricular mass : ≤ 294 gm in men, ≤ 198 gm in women
- Left ventricular mass index : < 134 gm m2 in men, < 110 gm m2 in women
- Mitral valve E-F slope : 70 to 150 mm/sec
- Mitral valve E-point septal separation : ≤ 7 mm
- Determine left ventricular function with qualitative visualization of left ventricular function
- Determine segmental wall motion abnormalities
- Determine ejection fraction (Simpson's disc or area-length method)
- Determine fractional area change (normal range: 36 to 64%)
- Determine the descent of the base (≥ 10 mm predicts a normal ejection fraction)
- Evaluate aortic flow velocity tracing
- Determine flow velocity integral
- Determine stroke-volume
- Determine cardiac output
- Determine change in pressure over time (dP/dt)
Left Ventricular Function Doppler Parameters
- Flow velocity integral
- Normal aortic valve: 18 to 22 cm
- Normal mitral valve: 10 to 13 cm
- Dp/dt
- Normal >1200 mmHg/sec
- Borderline 1000 to 1200 mmHg/sec
- Abnormal <1000 mmHg/sec
Left ventricular function (aortic flow velocity tracing)
- Peak flow velocity : 72 to 120 (mean 92)
- Acceleration time (msec) : 83 to 118 ( 98 )
- Average acceleration (cm/sec) : 735 to 1318 ( 955 )
- Deceleration time (msec) : 170 to 230 ( 197 )
- Average deceleration (cm/sec2) : 355 to 630 ( 473 )
- Ejection time (msec) : 255 to 325 ( 294 )